Urban patrols can be conducted either mounted or dismounted with vehicles in support, depending on the enemy situation. The major actions required during dismounted area reconnaissance include moving to and occupying an objective rally point (ORP), conducting a leader's reconnaissance, conducting actions at the objective, and withdrawing and disseminating information. (3) Physical detection methods include detonating, probing, and using a mine detector. Ensure that designated routes of advance, attack positions, and routes to the point where responsibility for surveillance is changed are clear and facilitate rapid movement. This method of reconnaissance is difficult. 162nd Reconnaissance Squadron. These were generally reserved for graduates of Recondo school, which taught small but fierce and heavily-armed reconnaissance teams how to patrol -and survive- deep behind enemy lines. The platoon leader confirms the platoon's location and selects a reconnaissance route for each team, a rally point, and a rendezvous time. situations occur in which a reconnaissance patrol makes unexpected INTRODUCTION The Combat Leaders' Guide is both an extract of doctrinal publications and a . Coordinating fires and fire control measures (direct and indirect) and ensuring these are displayed on operational overlays (digital and conventional). elements or increase security measures as part of counterreconnaissance. 5. Location of fords, ferries, and tunnels, including limiting information. v|RQ+m+8E3jrCt2f6n)K1S$ -Hqy0a7B9SJ. Ensure mutual support and depth by maintaining constant observation among vehicles. Figure 4-3. The platoon leader may also choose to orient and focus sections or teams on checkpoints as the platoon moves to the area. through a zone are: fan, converging routes, and successive sectors. The locations along the route that provide good cover and concealment. c. The platoon leader may add additional phase lines, contact points, and checkpoints to the graphics he receives from the commander. 6-44. When the team encounters a manhole to the surface, the point man should open it and determine the location, which the team leader then records. he conducts a thorough map reconnaissance and plans a series of fans (Figure the patrol to the local sounds in the area. . who goes on leaders recon army. The enemy forces that can influence movement along the route. For the reconnaissance platoon, the objective(s) are normally discussed in the battalion reconnaissance and surveillance annex, the commander's critical information requirements (CCIR), or the execution portion of the OPORD. When the battalion orders the reconnaissance platoon to conduct an area reconnaissance, it identifies the area to be reconnoitered within a continuous boundary. The platoon sergeant or assistant patrol leader organizes watering parties as necessary. If the enemy has previously occupied the building, the team takes precautions against booby traps and mines. a. The reconnaissance platoon must probe or conduct additional visual inspection to define the extent of the minefield. I do know that SLC is meant to train recon leaders in the regular Army, which is why it's part of the 19D professional development track while RSLC isn't. In my class of 18 graduates, I think I was one of 4 non-SOF/non-tabbed soldiers. This allows them to determine whether to modify the plan for actions at the objective and allows them to ensure smooth execution of the reconnaissance. who goes on leaders recon army. 6-40. Providing the location of obstacles and related covering fires. concealment. Once they confirm the enemy situation from the near side, the element not in overwatch moves (mounted or dismounted) to find bypasses around the obstacle. The platoon leader selects an ORP, a series of reconnaissance routes, and rally points. A soldier's ability to effectively use their senses, along with the 1st Armoured Regiment. The LOA or objective is placed beyond the RP on the last terrain feature that dominates the route or at a location out to about 3 kilometers. The platoon then returns to friendly lines. The platoon's primary concern during movement to the area is security rather than reconnaissance. Width, depth, bottom condition, bank height, and slope and soil stability of wet and dry gaps. Leaders of dismounted patrols must maintain communications with vehicles and the patrol headquarters throughout the mission. g. The platoon leader deploys the reconnaissance sections and teams on line across the LD and assigns each section or team a zone within the zone for which the platoon is responsible. Intent of civilian populace (stay or flee). Sometimes, to get the information needed, the patrol (platoon or team) must observe within range of enemy weapons systems (Figure 4-5). 20th Surveillance and Target Acquisition Regiment. 1. Stealthy implies unseen, time-consuming, dismounted operations minimizing chance contact where the platoon might be observed. (1) Bypass. 4-1. The platoon leader deploys his sections based upon the factors of METT-TC to accomplish their reconnaissance and surveillance tasks. It must determine the size, composition, activity, and location of the enemy force. Providing route information to include waypoints. (5) The locations along the route that provide good cover and A team member should carry the tools needed to open manhole covers. It helps him narrow the platoon's scope of operations to get the information that is most important to the battalion's operations. U.S. ARMY RESEARCH INSTITUTE FORT BENNING FIELD UNIT COMBAT LEADERS' GUIDE (CLG) 2003 LEADER HANDBOOK. (3) Disadvantages. Ensures that his sector of the patrol base is covered by interlocking fires; adjustments if necessary. Recorders write down information and make/collect Wind direction for obscuration of the obstacle. following tasks: (2) Locate observation or surveillance positions, routes, and security Each unit transmits or delivers a complete copy of its OPORD and overlays either by digital (FBCB2 and MCS) or conventional (hardcopy and acetate overlay) means. (6) Once the patrol has returned and submitted its report, the commander decides how to use the tunnel. @media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px) and (max-device-width : 480px) { Within capability, locate all minefields and other obstacles in the area, reduce or breach them, and clear and mark lanes. If he becomes ill or is exposed to danger, the team can use a safety rope to pull him out. The platoon leader must ensure that the platoon focuses on reconnaissance objectives and keeps up the operational tempo of the mission. c. The methods used to move multiple reconnaissance elements 1 0 obj c. While in the ORP, the patrol makes final preparations for the leader's reconnaissance and actions at the objective. The patrol can use the triangle technique (Figure 4-3), patrol bases, and rally points to occupy an ORP. routes, obstacles (to include chemical or radiological contamination), The conduct of required activities with minimum movement and noise. Ensure that routes through the obstacle system (if emplaced in the AO) are clearly marked and physically controlled by guides or that escorts are provided to the unit handing over surveillance responsibility. covered and concealed route. The reconnaissance platoon may reconnoiter possible passage lanes (primary and alternate), mark their locations, and find bypasses. Effective command and control is important when conducting reconnaissance You may separate the tasks. An example of items that are Once the platoon arrives at the ORP, it halts and establishes security. Speed and momentum are rarely necessary in a reconnaissance operation, but they are often critical to the successful execution of offensive operations that the reconnaissance mission may support. The reconnaissance element reconnoitering the obstacle prepares an obstacle report with this information and forwards the report through the platoon leader or PSG to the commander. The platoon leader selects an ORP, reconnaissance routes (through the zone), and a rally point (Figure 4-7). Like zone reconnaissance, area reconnaissance can be either terrain- or force-oriented. Detection. l. Plan for dissemination of information acquired during The ideal way to observe and survey an objective is from a distanceout of sight and out of range. This paragraph describes the methods of conducting reconnaissance. 7. organizes the platoon based on METT-T. The platoon leader must develop and enforce the unit sleep plan that provides Soldiers with a minimum of 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep in a 24-hour period. reconnaissance is extremely risky. Vehicle formations are often not appropriate to the area reconnaissance mission because of the wide variety of METT-TC considerations the platoon may encounter. RSLC, led by the Ranger Training Brigade, is a 26-day course teaching skills such as observation and reporting, in-depth planning, surveillance site construction, and use of radio and cameras . The battalion's reconnaissance platoon conducts physical and FM and or digital linkup with the RSTA reconnaissance element directly to its front and with the lead infantry rifle company that directly follows the platoon. 161st Reconnaissance Squadron. Hide site personnel should be rotated every 24 hours. 6-41. Additionally, the three dismounted teams can operate independently of the vehicles. WITHDRAWAL AND DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION, 4-27. It visually inspects terrain for signs of mine emplacement and other obstacles. This technique of focusing the reconnaissance also permits the mission to be accomplished more quickly. He then assesses the area of operations according to the mission and intent of higher headquarters. The available space in which a force can maneuver without being forced to bunch up due to obstacles. Assists in establishing and adjusting perimeter. The platoon leader let the enemy know it is in the objective area. Critical Tasks for Unit Transferring Responsibility. Actions if the reconnaissance party does not return. Reconnaissance and Surveillance Leader Course Modern Urban R&S The purpose of pre-operational surveillance in an urban environment is to determine the target's vulnerabilities. The pace man should also report the puce at the end of each leg. e. Special instructions to members of the reconnaissance and Figure 4-9) along the route that provides detailed terrain information. other features that are critical to operations. Locate fords or crossing sites near all bridges in the zone. To ensure everyone (There is only 2 x M240s in a conventional infantry platoon.). It moves parallel to the road using a The patrol uses long-range and short-range observation and surveillance. This squad provides expertise in collecting obstacle intelligence (OBSTINTEL) and has limited breaching capability. This analysis determines whether the platoon uses single or multiple teams to conduct the reconnaissance. While the gear and weapons vary based on the mission and team, Special Forces Soldiers use equipment such as: the lightweight all-terrain Ground Mobility Vehicle, the 7.62mm x 45mm shoulder-fired, gas-operated MK17 SCAR select fire modular weapon system with a free-floating barrel, the . security elements. United states army reconnaissance and surveillance leaders course (formerly long range surveillance leaders course, or lrslc) is an elite five week school offered by the 4th ranger training battalion to soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen to train them to expert levels in reconnaissance, surveillance, target acquisition . This reduces the chance of detection or vulnerability to enemy small-arms fire and local security measures. Several angles of observation are needed. Reconnaissance and surveillance handover is normally associated with a designated area or graphic control measure (such as a phase line); it may cover a sector or zone, NAI, target area of interest (TAI), and or enemy contact. If the platoon does not maintain tempo, it will quickly lose its combat effectiveness. c. Engineers. If detected, a reconnaissance element breaks contact using SOPs and then either returns to friendly lines or continues the mission. Conditions: Given a 1:50,000 map, a lensatic compass, and a mission to conduct an area. Dispersed movement formations are often not appropriate to the area reconnaissance mission because the area may be irregular in shape and because of the wide variety of METT-TC considerations the platoon may encounter. e. Special instructions to members of the mounted and dismounted reconnaissance and security elements. Adequate time must be allocated for the reconnaissance to answer the battalion commander's PIR. No more than one-third of any given type of system carried by the patrol should be disassembled for preventative checks and services at any one time. Control and security elements remain in position until the reconnaissance elements leave the objective area. 3. endobj Determine or confirm the enemy situation in the objective area, locate enemy OPs, determine enemy security status and activity, and adapt the patrol to the local sounds in the area. The reconnaissance patrol must not Engagement decision questions. The platoon leader ensures the soldiers understand the engagement criteria by asking questions that affect the engagement decision (Figure 4-1). Collocating C2 and exchanging liaison personnel (if required). Ensure that each section or team acknowledges where it must physically coordinate the change. Australian Army Aviation. Platoon members dismount to gather detailed information, reconnoiter danger areas, or move through areas that are not accessible to the vehicles. Multiple-team reconnaissance is favored when. If one machine gun is down, then security for all remaining systems is raised. The platoon leader also sends the teams out on adjacent routes. He develops the plan to ensure all positions are checked periodically, observation posts are relieved periodically, and at least one leader always is alert. What happens to the vertical component of its velocity as it rises? Lower profile than surface surveillance sites. c. Dismounted Reconnaissance. Leader's Reconnaissance. Detailed planning, as discussed earlier in this chapter, is accomplished before execution of a patrol. This ensures that the platoon reconnoiters all terrain the enemy could use to influence movement along the route. camouflage, discipline, and stealth to help avoid detection. The leaders of recon units need to be able to think creatively and c. 4. and withdrawal and dissemination of information. During route reconnaissance, the platoon must be trained for and prepared to accomplish a variety of reconnaissance tasks. with width/lengths of the traveled ways in meters. If the enemy fixes the reconnaissance teams, they must break contact on their own. a. Before recommending to the battalion commander a possible course of action, the reconnaissance platoon leader analyzes the situation and the factors of METT-TC and considers the following options. objective as necessary. The platoon leader establishes the tempo by answering two questions: Is the platoon conducting stealthy or aggressive reconnaissance and is the reconnaissance deliberate or hasty? Develop and distribute urban operations sketches. It uses manmade camouflage materials as required to improve concealment and keeps movement to a minimum. The reconnaissance platoon has the capability to reduce or breach small obstacles; however, this is generally limited to point obstacles that are not integrated into the enemy defense and are not covered by enemy fire and observation. elements. Avoid Detection by the Enemy. c. If the platoon must conduct a route reconnaissance as part of the Reconnaissance teams must be able to maneuver on the battlefield. ability to move and observe without being detected, is critical to effective Move the unit to the location by utilizing a 90 degree angle. Other methods can be developed as long as the fundamentals To establish a base from which to execute several consecutive or concurrent operations. b. Surveillance Sites. When the reconnaissance platoon encounters obstacles that support an enemy defense, it has the capability to assist the infantry with breaching. If the reconnaissance element cannot acquire the information needed from its initial position, it retraces the route and repeats the process. Fighting positions for support force weapons on the near side of the obstacle. Road width of constrictions (bridges, tunnels, and so forth) with width and lengths of the traveled ways in meters. A zone reconnaissance is assigned when the enemy Deliberate reconnaissance operations are slow, detailed, and broad-based. The area could be a town, ridgeline, woods, or another feature that friendly forces intend to occupy, pass through, or avoid. Two techniques for conducting reconnaissance include long- and short-range observation and surveillance. Once the conditions are set, the battalion's reconnaissance platoon conducts the on-site surveillance handover, coordinated by the battalion S3, with the cavalry squadron to its front. The site is especially useful when there is little natural cover and concealment. 3. The platoon leader may also choose to orient and focus sections or teams on checkpoints as the platoon moves to the area. This configuration allows the reconnaissance platoon to conduct a thorough reconnaissance while taking advantage of the security the cavalry squadron (RSTA) provides. To hide a unit during a long detailed reconnaissance. The recorders write the information and make or collect sketches of the objective. Adheres to time schedule. Patrol bases should not be occupied for more than a 24 hour period (except in emergency). The conduct of required activities with minimum movement and noise. with either method. What must be completed before a patrol base is considered established? Other. Figure 4-5. The platoon's primary concern during movement to the area is security rather than reconnaissance. teams move close to the road to reconnoiter key areas. At least two soldiers are required at the communication site; one to send the message and erect an antenna (if necessary) and one to provide security. 3. 1. terrain. b. Most soldiers don't reach that rank. If it cannot observe the reconnaissance element, it should know the element's general location. information. No eating, no talking, and The platoon leader or platoon sergeant can accompany one of the teams or remain at the ORP. The S2 and S3 develop the reconnaissance and surveillance annex, which specifies the information that is needed by the battalion and assigns responsibility for obtaining that information. The platoon moves into the patrol base. Site construction may consist simply of taking a position by a suitable viewing port, or it can be much more elaborate, time being a crucial factor. c. The platoon leader uses boundaries, an LD, and an LOA. The security element should go where it can observe the objective and, if possible, the reconnaissance element. Primary. Detection of obstacles and restrictions begins in the planning phase of an operation when the S2 conducts IPB. Signal operation instruction (SOI) extracts. Additional tasks for the area reconnaissance include the following: The order to conduct an area reconnaissance mission identifies the area to be reconnoitered within a continuous boundary. Hazard areas (fuel storage, natural gas lines, chemical production sites). Ensure that all routes of withdrawal obligated to the unit conducting the surveillance are unobstructed and facilitate rapid movement to the release point (RP). v/`#*j~L.Je^'05;W$*bCc{WOoG0RS element should be in a position to observe the objective and, if possible, All information gathered should be disseminated to all members of the platoon. Deadline for reporting information to higher headquarters. Critical to the platoon leader's ability to execute his mission is a clear understanding of the focus and tempo of the reconnaissance mission. The reconnaissance element moves only as close to the occupation of the ORP, leader's reconnaissance, actions at the objective, d. Hasty Sites. 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS NBC NBC-1 report 9-1 The patrol rehearses plans for 2. What are the priorities of work in order? 6-51. leaders recon indirect fires and obstacles initiate ambush actions on obj withdrawal. A patrol base is a security perimeter which is set up when a squad or platoon conducting a patrol halts for an extended period. The team leader navigates and records data through the passage. contingencies is to brief soldiers on situations concerning enemy contact, the objective than necessary. 6-38. Roads and trails intersecting or traversing the route must be reconnoitered Route reconnaissance can orient on a road, a railway, a waterway, or a general direction of attack to provide new or updated information on route conditions or activities along the route. The battalion commander orders a route reconnaissance when he needs information on routes to and in his assigned area of operations. If the enemy suspects that it is being observed, it may move its The center of the board is an example of a recon patrol cloverleafing around . Email: ssmtoffice@gmail.com / ssmtpmu@gmail.com / ssmtjobs@gmail.com far enough ahead of the maneuver force to assist in early warning and to Every soldier should have an understanding of the reconnaissance platoon's plan and the team's plan. (2) The location and types of all obstacles and the location of any If this occurs, movement in the objective area must be reduced; the patrol moves no closer to the objective than necessary. As in an area Because observer efficiency decreases rapidly, the observer and the recorder switch duties about every 30 minutes. The purpose of route reconnaissance is to provide detailed information on trafficability, enemy activity, NBC contamination, and the adjacent terrain from the viewpoint of both enemy and friendly forces. Conduct battle handover with the lead elements of the battalion and pass them into the urban AO. Members go in and out of the surveillance site during limited visibility. Priorities of work are determined in accordance with METT-TC. If he expects to encounter large obstacles during a mission, the reconnaissance platoon leader should request an attached engineer reconnaissance team or, as a minimum, an engineer NCO to serve as a technical advisor. 6-46. Area Reconnaissance: Area reconnaissance is a directed effort to obtain detailed information on the terrain or enemy activity within a prescribed area, such as a town, ridge line, woods or other features critical to operations. and all terrain from which the enemy could influence movement along that The reconnaissance platoon must never lose sight of its reconnaissance objectives or priorities. During this brief, the platoon leader ensures that he understands the commander's expectations; failure to do so can result in information that is not of any tactical value. The leader issues the three R&S teams a contingency plan, reconnaissance method, and detailed guidance on what to look for (enemy, water, built up areas or human habitat, roads, trails, or possible rally points). Underpass limitations with limiting heights and widths (3) Disadvantages. Under these conditions, the COA may be to report this information and then continue the reconnaissance mission. The patrol uses 4 0 obj e. The platoon leader works with the battalion FSO to plan indirect fire targets to support the platoon's scheme of maneuver. A zone reconnaissance is assigned when the enemy situation is vague or when information concerning cross-country trafficability is desired. Enemy contact is expected or visual contact has been achieved. Figure 4-9. (1) Employment Considerations. Detection occurs when a vehicle, soldier, or countermine system physically encounters a mine. It may be required to provide guides for the main body if the bypass is difficult to locate or visibility conditions are poor. When speed is the primary concern, commanders must modify the mission statement or prioritize the critical tasks for the platoon leader. The enemy could influence friendly movement listens to acquire the needed information. Withdrawal plan from the patrol base to include withdrawal routes and a rally point, rendezvous point, or alternate patrol base. Reconnoiter recommended entry points and routes. Pinpoint the objective. 6-58. The reconnaissance platoon leader analyzes the mission, enemy, and terrain and completes his troop-leading procedures. The disadvantages of mounted reconnaissance include the loss of stealth due to the visual, noise, and thermal signatures of the vehicle and the loss of some detail because of restricted vision and impairment of the senses of smell and hearing. (a) The reconnaissance platoon's effort focuses on the following features: (b) Working closely with engineers makes gathering OBSTINTEL much easier. Other Soldiers within the patrol may rotate duties with the platoons RTO allowing accomplishment of continuous radio monitoring, radio maintenance, act as runners for leader, or conduct other priorities of work. reconnaissance. (3) Once the team is organized and equipped, it moves to the entrance of the tunnel. The platoon leader then plans the reconnaissance based on the orders he receives, the S2's IPB, and the platoon leader's own map reconnaissance. He ensures that the reconnaissance sections remain generally on line to prevent development of significant gaps that a moving enemy could exploit. The surveillance site and the route to and from it are selected during good visibility. Rest and Sleep Plan Management No Army National Guard, U.S. ARMY or DoD ENDORSEMENT IMPLIED. To reorganize after infiltrating an enemy area. He may add phase lines on easily identifiable terrain through the zone to help control the maneuver. The overlay must include, b. Observation posts and communication with observation posts. reducing radio traffic, the platoon reconnaissance patrol limits the The patrol leader must have specific intelligence collection requirements for each mission. Reconnaissance platoon elements may be positioned in the passage area to act as a communications link in case units involved in the passage have trouble communicating with each other. 3. Figure 4-9. By doing this, the platoon leader ensures that each section has responsibility for specific pieces of terrain. If the terrain is mixed with both extensive dead space and easily identifiable features, he may use boundaries to designate areas of responsibility for each section. The reconnaissance platoon must remain far enough ahead of the maneuver force to assist in early warning and to prevent the force from becoming surprised. Enemy security measures, such as patrols, sensors, and radar, are active in the area. Avoid known or suspected enemy positions. Information stating where the enemy is located is equally as important as information stating where the enemy is not located. fundamentals of reconnaissance are applied. Trafficable routes to the reduction site and routes from the far side leading to the objective. The site is near the target area so that information may be collected through close-in observation and sound detection. accurately portray the combat environment. Patrol or platoon fire plan. Long-Range Observation or Surveillance. Ensures patrol base is occupied according to the plan. Specific information requirements can be gathered within the required time by a single reconnaissance element. The patrol leader selects the compass man and observation post team and two men from each subordinate element. considers the road a danger area. Figure 4-10. The platoon executes the handover from the cavalary squadron (RSTA) and reports the contact to the battalion and the follow-on companies; it also updates the FBCB2 overlay with the OP contact and updates the enemy template on the objective. In this example, the cavalry squadron (RSTA) is conducting a zone reconnaissance forward of the SBCT. When using 6-55. (The rally point is where the platoon links up after the reconnaissance.) Single or multiple R&S teams can be used If unable to observe the reconnaissance A technique for addressing these PL, RTO, point man, weapons squad leader, 3 ammo bearers, along with the LP/OP team consisting of a grenadier/rifleman and a SAW gunner. This prevents the patrol from making enemy contact in two directions. 3. actual reconnaissance. 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1983 Uil State Track Meet Results, Nathan Sawaya Wife, Articles W