He summons, prorogues and dissolves the State Legislature. are joint committees created to work out a compromised on House and Senate versions of a piece of legislation. 2012 Flood control is managed through special purpose districts because. Conversely, Governor Greg Abbott actively worked against the reelection of two legislators from his own party in 2018 - helping to defeat one. The position of lieutenant Governor exists in the overwhelming majority of states, where the position is most often filled by popular statewide election and jointly with the Governor, although in a small number of cases the role of lieutenant Governor is assigned by state law to another position in either the executive or legislative branch (e.g., secretary of state or leader of the senate). Executive branch officials often are called to testify on legislative proposals, and Governors and other executive branch leaders will seek to mobilize public opinion and interest groups in favor of or opposition to specific legislative proposals. A prison officer or corrections officer also known as a Correctional Law Enforcement Officer is a uniformed law enforcement official responsible for the custody, supervision, safety, and regulation of prisoners.They are responsible for the care, custody, and control of individuals who have been convicted of a crime and sentenced to imprisonment.They are also responsible for the security of the . June 15. Texas House members differ from Texas Senate members because House members. The ability of the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the House to control the final outcome of legislation comes from their power to appoint members of conference committees. Sold 500 shares of Mapco Inc. for $46 per share less an$80 brokerage commission. Different rules may apply depending on whether the state is in a regular legislative session, post legislative-adjournment, or if the state is in special session. The Texas Constitution grants the __________ veto power. -All other military power resides with the federal government. trigger emergency powers and related response actions during natural disasters, weather events, energy crises, public health emergencies, mass casualty events, and other situations requiring immediate attention; create advisory, coordinating, study, or investigative committees or commissions; create or reorganize state agencies, boards, and commissions; address executive branch management and administrative issues such as regulatory reform, environmental impact, hiring freezes, discrimination, and intergovernmental coordination; and. Marsh Company uses a standard cost system and reports the following information for 2018: Standards:3yardsofclothperunitat$1.05peryard2directlaborhoursperunitat$10.50perhourOverheadallocatedat$5.00perdirectlaborhourActual:2,600yardsofclothwerepurchasedat$1.10peryardEmployeesworked1,800hoursandwerepaid$10.00perhourActualvariableoverheadwas$1,700Actualfixedoverheadwas$7,300\begin{array}{lrr} In Texas, if a sitting governor is unable to hold office due to impeachment and conviction, resignation, or death, who becomes governor? e. chief executive Question 2 4 out of 4 points The . In many states the members of these boards are named or nominated by the Governor. In the remaining 5 states and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, officials designated to succeed the Governor include the secretary of state and leader of the senate. The governor of a state is the chief executive officer of the state government. D) Animal and insect control, A) The Texas Rangers in the Texas national guard under certain circumstances, Which of the following are formal constitutional qualifications required to be governor Day-to-day administrative responsibilities are delegated to state agencies supervised by the Governor. Rev. The National Guard may be deployed for active duty by a Governor to help respond to domestic emergencies, such as riots or mass casualty incidents, and disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes. Rick Scott has aggressively used social media to get his message out. Bills are passed late in session, so the legislature is usually out of session when a bill is vetoed. For how long does the Texas legislature meet? Abbott has consolidated power like none before him, at times circumventing the GOP-controlled Legislature and overriding local officials . Members of the State Board of Education (SBOE) are elected in single-member districts. They can only be initiated by the governor. in biennial sessions, 140 days every other year. Thus, the debit balance from December 31, 2012, is to be adjusted to the new balance. In a number of states, commonwealths, and territories, Governors also have reductionmost often referred to as line-itemveto power that can be used for the removal of appropriations to which they object. Selected Answer:They are a regional board meant to coordinate local planning and development. Create an acrostic poem or song using the word, Industry. A majority of Governors have the authority to appoint state court judges as well, in most cases from a list of names submitted by a nominations committee. Governors were often placed in an untenable position. According to the Texas Judicial Campaign Fairness Act, individuals can donate a maximum of __ to candidates running for statewide judicial positions. Failing to deal with a runaway prosecutor was also seen, more dramatically, with Texas governor Rick Perry. Received an annual dividend of$0.16 per share on Mapco Inc. stock. 7 The Legislature Ch. The portfolio of trading securities was adjusted to fair values of$40 and $29 per share for Mapco Inc. and Swift Inc., respectively. A form of home rule that gives cities greater autonomy. money, since campaigns have become very expensive, T/F to give instructions to members of the bureaucratic agencies. The Best Research Paper Writing Service Qualified research paper help Always on Time Affordable Prices FAST Turnaround 24 7 Support.. Prepare the investment-related current asset balance sheet disclosures for Ophir Investments Inc. on December 31, 2013. Selected Answer:a council-manager form of government with a mix of single-member districts and at-large elections, Answers:a commissioner form of government with at-large elections, a council-manager form of government with a mix of single-member districts and at-large elections, a mayor-council form of government with single-member districts, a commissioner form of government operating under a general-law framework, One goal of the deferred retirement option plan (DROP) was to. Land Management, Agriculture, Wildlife, and Rural Communities, NGA Committees, Task Forces & Council of Governors, Executive Orders and Regulatory Authority, Legislativeincluding budget and vetoauthority. As part of his or her military and police power, the governor has responsibility for which of the following? Straight-ticket voting only applies to representative positions such as Texas House and Texas Senate, but most voters do not realize this and forget to vote for the judicial positions on the ballot. Governors use executive orderscertain of which are subject to legislative review in some statesfor a variety of purposes, among them to: Depending on state authorities, Governors may also issue an executive order or proclamation to declare special elections to fill vacancies in certain elected offices. What are the political principles behind the creation of the plural executive. In even-numbered years, Texas representatives receive a salary of only ________ per year, not including a per diem. All the governors term in office used to be two years, it was changed to ____ years with a constitutional amendment adopted in ____, The governor may be removed from office only by impeachment with conviction by the, What is the primary task of the Texas Secretary of State, to handle elections and voter registration, In 2018, approximately how many people worked for the state bureaucracy in Texas. A member of the Democratic Party, he previously served as a Georgia state senator from 1963 to 1967, and as the 76th governor of Georgia from 1971 to 1975.. Carter was born and raised in Plains, Georgia, graduated from the United States Naval . Answers:The Texas legislature tries first, but if it is unable to do so at the first regular session after the census, the job goes to the Legislative Redistricting Board. Database Applications: Exam #1 (Chapters 1-3), Business Communications: Exam 1- Chapter 1,2,, 3yardsofclothperunitat$1.05peryard, 2directlaborhoursperunitat$10.50perhour, Overheadallocatedat$5.00perdirectlaborhour, 2,600yardsofclothwerepurchasedat$1.10peryard, Employeesworked1,800hoursandwerepaid$10.00perhour, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry. to highlight important components of the executive budget. So far this year, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, lawmakers in 45 states have . The Lieutenant Governor gets his or her powers from the __________. When National Guard units are not under federal control, Governors are the commanders and chief of state militias with the responsibility to protect the safety of the states citizens. Answers:The comptroller is responsible for setting the salary and compensation packages for legislators. Message power gives the Governor what ability in the legislative process? In a large majority of states, a bill will become law unless it is vetoed by the Governor within a specified number of days, which vary among states. The pluralist view of interest group influence in policy making sees business interests as just one among many influences with nothing particularly special about it insofar as other interests are able to check the influence of business groups. turnout was so low in judicial races that the parties decided not to get involved in the campaigns. B) Once a regular veto has been overturned by the legislature and sent back to the governor. Governors are charged by their state constitutions with responsibility to see that the laws are faithfully executed by the many people and organizations that comprise the executive branch. \\\hline Why is the Texas governor's power exceptionally weak as compared to that of the governors of some other states? What is the importance of the Supreme Courts decisions in Reynolds v. Sims and Baker v. Carr? In most cases, impeachment requires a majority of members, while conviction generally requires a two-thirds or other special majority. Upon release, an individual whose sentence is commuted may remain on community supervision or may be released without ongoing supervision. estimating state revenues for the legislature, The governor often uses his message power, To highlight important components of the executive budget, T/F The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. What types of transactions are reported in the non-cash investing and financing activities section of the statement of cash flows? The Texas Legislature has many powers that are not related to legislation, including which of the following? The Texas Constitution grants the __________ veto power, and it is used __________. districts that must be redistricted every four years. Further, emergency declarations allow Governors to temporarily modify their states statutory, regulatory, and legal framework to respond to the changing nature of an emergency more quickly. But it's not the first. As part of his or her military and police power, the governor has responsibility for which of the following? Which actor is most powerful or influential with respect to the use and content of special sessions of legislature? States focus on four stages of disaster or emergency management: These components afford a useful rubric for thinking about the cycle of disasters and emergencies and for organizing recommendations for state action. The Texas legislature is responsible for formally counting the returns for the election of governor and lieutenant governor. The roles played by boards and commissions vary considerably by state and by program. Which is the most important bill that applies to all people and property throughout the state? The governor's spokesperson, Conor Cahill, said in a statement Monday that the governor "would be deeply concerned with any approach that would contribute to more drug use and lawlessness." Colorado's Democratic leadership in the legislature have signaled interested in the proposal, but they've stopped short of full-blown support. Selected Answer:Texas voters in the areas that will be covered, Texas voters in the areas that will be covered, the county commissioners court, with local voter approval. Answers:districts based on proportional representation. C) The governor received a National Guard pension when here she retires. In other states they advise the Governor on areas of importance such as the environment and economic development. Standards:3yardsofclothperunitat$1.05peryard2directlaborhoursperunitat$10.50perhourOverheadallocatedat$5.00perdirectlaborhourActual:2,600yardsofclothwerepurchasedat$1.10peryardEmployeesworked1,800hoursandwerepaid$10.00perhourActualvariableoverheadwas$1,700Actualfixedoverheadwas$7,300. Many argue that the power of appointment is the governor's "most significant executive power." Why did the Texas constitution establish a plural executive, There was suspicion of a strong chief executive. Therefore. In a smaller number of states, bills will die (pocket veto) unless the Governor formally signs them, also within a specified number of days. The primary legislative power of the governor is to ___________. The comptroller informs the legislature how much money it has to spend on the budget. local elections must be conducted using at-large elections. THE PRESIDENT: Good evening, my fellow Americans. Selected Answer:the House, Senate, or both chambers jointly, using the legislatures investigative power, Answers:the House, Senate, or both chambers jointly, using the legislatures investigative power, the Texas Department of Investigations, using the investigation power grated by the Texas Constitution, both chambers must work together to investigate using a conference committees cooperative powers, Constituent service can play an important role in. A Republican state senator said Tuesday that Gov. creating a personal relationship between legislators and constituents, and gives legislators an advantage when running for reelection. Marsh Company reported the following variances: DirectMaterialsCostVariance$130UDirectMaterialsEfficiencyVariance420FDirectLaborCostVariance900FDirectLaborEfficiencyVariance2,100FVariableOverheadCostVariance1,500UVariableOverheadEfficiencyVariance1,500FFixedOverheadCostVariance600UFixedOverheadVolumeVariance1,600F\begin{array}{lrr} a. The governor often suggests resolutions during the State of the State Address. The main roles of county government have to do with running school districts and coordinating across multiple levels of government. create districts with equal-sized populations. b. Identity [ edit ] Nineteenth-century painting by Philipp Foltz depicting the Athenian politician Pericles delivering his famous funeral oration in front of the Assembly . County government in Texas varies in importance; some areas rely on it heavily, others much less so. What types of cases does the Texas Supreme Court hear? Selected Answer:They do not require the signature of the governor. Which of the following is the best example of the Texas governors exercise of senatorial courtesy? There must be a resolution dealing with a subject before it can be addressed by a law. Governors carry out their management and leadership responsibilities and objectives with the support and assistance of department and agency heads, many of whom they are empowered to appoint. Our products include academic papers of varying complexity and other personalized services, along with research materials for assistance purposes only. 2022 State of the State. Which of the following forms of city government would most likely achieve these goals? Answers:Selected Answer: b.chief legislator a. leader of the people b.chief legislator c. chief of state d.chief intergovernmental diplomat. The number of legislators ALEC claims among its membership is closest to which of the following percentages of all state legislators in the United States? \hspace{10pt}\text{Actual variable overhead was \$1,700}\\ What is the outcome for the vast majority of bills that are assigned to committees in the Texas legislature? The governor has a number of important power, including appointing judges, signing or vetoing bills passed by the state legislature, and serving as the commander-in-chief of the state's National Guard. The -------------- is the member of the plural executive to be appointed rather than elected to office. divided amoung mulitple officials, each elected by the people, to ensure that no one person has too much power. June 12. S. R. Wareing is to preside at the local Orphans' Club fortnightly gathering next Saturday evening. One other man, Giles Corey, was pressed to death after refusing to enter a plea, and at least five people . What role do Republican and Democratic Party caucuses play in determining the chairs of legislative committees? Education policy for a public pre-kindergarten through 12th grade is set by the state board of education and enforced by the Texas education agency, T/F In deep-blue Maryland, it's the white Republican running for governor who has a direct . Copyright 2023 Research Papers 4Me, all rights reserved. \text{Actual:}\\ impeachment officially charging an officeholder with improper conduct in office. The _____________________ is responsible for a variety of elements throughout the state, including environmental quality on public land and water such as the beaches on the gulf coast. __ is a unit of government that performs a single service in a limited geographic area. allow firefighters and police officers in the large cities to delay retirement to 30 years of service, but receive a bigger pension. What types of resolutions are acted on without debate and without requiring members to read the resolution? The portfolio of trading securities had a cost of $139,255 and fair value of$133,470, requiring a credit balance in Valuation Allowance for Trading Investments of $5,785 ($139,255 - $133,470). Early this year, lawmakers entered new legislative sessions in a power-restricting mood. In this type of situation, school districts use ______ to borrow the necessary funds to achieve this goal. In the event of a vacancy in office, the lieutenant Governor is the designated official who succeeds the Governor in 49 states and territories (in two of whichTennessee and West Virginiathe president/speaker of the Senate and lieutenant Governor are one and the same). Which court in Texas has automatic jurisdiction over all death penalty cases? In Texas, __ create(s) special purpose districts. Each member of the Texas Senate represents about ___________ people, while each member of the Texas House represents about_________ people. It allows the governor to veto specific provisions of a bill. to handle elections and voter registration. In civil cases, a/an __ is filed against the person who is accused of causing harm. State leaders, from comptroller to United States Congressmen, needed to be elected as soon as possible. it is a professional organization, but it also performs functions on behalf of the government, such as disciplining members for violating ethical standards and rules. The governor makes approximately 3000 appointments to various state posts during a single term in office. Members of the plural executive are accountable to the voters. Purchased 900 shares of Corvair Inc. as a trading security at$62 per share plus a $90 brokerage commission. The governor has a number of important power, including appointing judges, signing or vetoing bills passed by the state legislature, and serving as the commander-in-chief of the state's National Guard. ________ is a kind of talking that is used to stall legislation. One type of appointment power often used by governors is called patronage, where The governor because only the governor can call a special session and he or she gets to set the agenda for the session as well. In Texas, the lieutenant governor runs on a joint ticket with the governor, and is therefore not a full member of the plural executive, T/F The education department head is independently elected statewide in 14 states and is appointedindependent of gubernatorial approvalby a board or agency head in 20 states and two territories. Answers:the Texas Constitution required that judicial elections had to be nonpartisan. Members of the State Board of Education (SBOE) are elected in single-member districts. Students also viewed State laws prescribe how much time the Governor is allotted to sign or veto proposed legislation following transmittal. Which of the following accurately describes why that is? One type of appointment power often used by governors is called patronage, where. Governors exercise control through the state adjutants general. Oct 04, 2014 at 4:38 pm. other actions within the Governors executive authority, including announcing/establishing gubernatorial priorities and initiatives. Which of the following statements about simple resolutions is correct? Ranking factors may include the following. Constituent service can play an important role in. Selected Answer:the agriculture commissioner. Which entity has the main responsibility for collection child-support payments? County government in Texas is fairly consistent in its size and duties. Which of the following rules applies to the filibuster in the Texas Senate? Purchased 2,000 shares of Mapco Inc. as a trading security at $42 per share plus a brokerage commission of$500. Selected Answer:The governor has the ability to make appointments to over 400 multimember state boards or single-member commissioners who direct the operation of various state agencies. The governor has some control over the final appropriations bill through the use of the ----------- veto. You want to talk to the person who is in charge of actually enforcing these laws. can only be called by a joint resolution passed by both the House and the Senate. D) have been a US permanent resident for at least 15 years, B) have lived in Texas for five years immediately before the election, The governor submits an executive budget that outlines his or her spending priorities for the next biennium, T/F There was suspicion of a strong chief executive. All the materials from our website should be used with proper references. The Texas governor has many formal powers, making him or her one of the United States strongest chief executives, T/F The agenda for special sessions in the Texas legislature is set by the. They also give states flexibility to respond to exigent circumstances, including the reallocation of state and federal funds. They declared that preclearance was an unconstitutional abridgement of state power. That person can then file a/an _ challenging those claims. Special sessions are common, held an average of once a year since 1876. formal (legal) powers powers stated in rules, a law, or a constitution. Regular legislative sessions are limited to, The Texas Senate has some specific rules governing the filibuster, including. it is under the control of the Texas Attorney Generals Office. Selected Answer:are called infrequently because they are very expensive. In Texas, if a sitting governor is unable to hold office due to impeachment and conviction, resignation, or death, who becomes the governor? A) only specific provisions or lines of appropriations bills. is considered the most important elected official in state policy making. Other boards play more limited regulatory or advisory roles. In 2018, approximately how many people worked for the state bureaucracy in Texas? He or she can push for various bills and policy initiatives . The council decides that it will increase the transportation budget if the amount of waiting time for drivers exceeds 20 minutes. The _________ are currently the majority party in the Texas House, and the __________ are majority party in the Texas Senate. Which committee acts as a screening mechanism to filter out bad bills or bills that have little or no political support? A) only specific provisions or lines of appropriations bills. How Andrew Cuomo became 'maybe the most powerful governor' in U.S. Times Union September 9, 2020 Ed McKinley ALBANY When the New York Constitution was reorganized nearly 100 years ago to give the governor more power over the budget process, the report recommending the changes noted there was a risk of making "the governor a czar." 10 Local Government, xplain the differing roles of nursing leaders and nursing managers. 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