According to Native American legends, theres a creature in Terrebonne Parish that is the spirit of a child reincarnated as a beast. I'm considering creating a documentary on the legend of the Rougarou when I get some more free time in the future. Over the last century, hurricanes, sea level rise, and problematic development projects, such as damming the Mississippi River, have caused Louisiana to lose more than 2,000 square miles of land. The human animal sobbing sounds were also accompanied by the snapping of branches and the crackling of leaves that gave the impression of something large moving through the woods. When not writing about all the amazing things to be found in her state, her central passion is dreams and the wisdom they can offer, which you can learn more about by visiting, Treat Yourself To A Homemade Ice Cream Cone At The Sweetport In Louisiana, This Train Restaurant In Louisiana Is The Most Enchanting Place To Eat, This Enchanting And Historic Town In Louisiana Is The Perfect Day Trip Destination, Best Hotels & Resorts in Louisiana: 12 Amazing Places to Stay, Theres Something Truly Unique About This Mom & Pop Truck Stop in Louisiana, 7 Folktales, Legends, and Superstitions Every Louisianian Has Heard At Least Once, The Spooky Legend Behind This Louisiana House Will Keep You Up At Night, 7 Creepy Louisiana Ghost Stories That Will Make You Sleep With The Lights On. 7910 park ave houma, la (985) 580-7289 . Back in the 16th century, theyd regularly blame various crimes on loup-garous. The New Orleans Pelicans had originally thought about changing their names from the Hornets to the Rougarous at one point! Since the dawn of time, people have been telling stories. Your email address will not be published. Their property backs up to a vast cypress swamp. The student would take evening walks while saying the rosary. Generations of youngsters have heard the scary tales. Lover of writing, learning and teaching others about new things. The cryptid, usually described as a towering, hairy monster, is allegedly a human cursed to take beastly form. Listen Live . It is most often described as having a human body with the head of a wolf or dog, with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp teeth. There was a significant belief in the beast by the populace that people were put on trial and found guilty of being the fabled beast. We use cookies to provide you with the best possible browsing experience. On a different occasion that same Laplace man was out in the swamp with these two Doberman pinchers when he spotted a 7 foot tall bi-pedal creature that caused the dogs to run off. The Rougarou, Beast of the Louisiana Bayou, Gets a Makeover One man hopes to turn the wolfish cryptid into a mascot for saving the state's imperiled wetlands. Past participants have described the festival as fun, and until COVID it had managed to attract a decent crowd each year. Frogs croak their songs in the distance and mosquitos buzz as they fly around looking for their next meal. We can only hope Ruston, LA never decides to build a Grunch Road. The full moon hangs high over the Louisiana swampland. Children can see and hear everything that happens, but they are unable to move. By the end, youll know the scariest rumors circulating in cajun land. Buy Tickets . 1989 St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana. Could these sightings be and unknown species of hominid living for the most part, undetected in the southeast Louisiana wilderness? The Giants body appeared to be covered with reddish hair. What he told me next has stuck in my memory, and was the spark that lit the flame regarding personal interest I took in all things weird, and strange. Deep in the rural wooded swamp of Livingston Parish and young girl was having a friend of hers spend the night. A close friend of the family who was on . Southeast Louisiana Bigfoot Sightings. A spell that as you will soon find out is not that easy to break. And as the stomping grounds for the rougarou have disappeared, so have tales about the beastuntil Foret made it his mission to save both. We depend on ad revenue to craft and curate stories about the worlds hidden wonders. In France during the 16th century, they used to blame various crimes that were committed throughout the villages on the Loup-Garou. 61 when they saw a creature pop up out from the bank of the canal that parallels Airline. At the time of the encounter the officer had no working knowledge of Bigfoot or sasquatch, but having a degree in anthropology left no doubt in the officers mind what he saw was most defiantly not a large, naked, human being. They had no clue to what creature could make such a sound. Fair Use Notice: The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. More than a millennium ago, vampires were demonic vectors of disease, possibly reflecting the very real threat of rabies. by Joel Balsam October 19, 2022. The friend forgot her purse in the car. Origins of the Rougarou lie in 16th Century medieval French Folklore. Louisiana has a Nightmare on Bourbon Street situation going on that some arent aware of. In the swamps within the Greater New Orleans area and the Acadiana is where this beast has come to live. Follow us on social media to add even more wonder to your day. As outlandish as that sounds some of the very details in this essay support that. Personally, Id never hear about something terrible and say, Yep, thats definitely the work of a werewolf. The Husband also described the creature as being dark in color and large. Full report can be found on The publication of any and all content e.g., articles, reports, editorials, commentary, opinions, as well as graphics and or images on this web-site does not constitute sanction or acquiescence of said content unless specified; it is solely for informational purposes. Im not making this up. In an interview conducted by Carter Buschardt, the officer stated that he went back to look at the end of shift report he filed the night of the encounter, but was unable to find the report. one football field of coastline was lost per hour. For this reason the Rougarou has been dubbed the Swamp Monster by . It is most often described as having a human body with the head of a wolf or dog, with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp teeth. This sighting took place just north of the Manchac Swamp region, about a quarter mile away from Hwy. Usually, the Rougarou/man already knows who his killer is. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. The rougarou, the Cajun cryptid said to haunt Louisiana's wetlands, is the mascot of a conservation effort for its traditional habitat. Aside from snakes and alligators, there are lots of predators and other scary things living there. He told himself if whatever that was jumps out at me, I can always hit the accelerator. When he got to the area where the creature crossed the road, he looked out the drivers side window but did not see anything. The name changed to rougarou in Cajun Louisiana because l and r are linguistically liquid consonants and they change places a lot, says Barry Jean Ancelet, a Cajun folklorist and professor emeritus with the University of Lafayette.,, Rougaroux Rum, manufactured by donner-peltier distillers in Thibodaux, Louisiana, has a special praline-flavored version called Rougaroux 13 Pennies. There also exist more supernatural explanations for the origins of the Rougarou. The jury is still out on this one, because people cant seem to figure out exactly what the Lutin isand theres good reason! They described it as a cross between a whimpering dog and human crying. You can find information on the legend of Cauchemar in folklore from all around the world, and it even exists in the Deep South. Just hope this Louisiana monster doesnt get hold of you. In a new subdivision that was still being developed named Sheryls Meadows, a 12 year old riding their mini-bike along with their cousin saw a lumbering creature approximately 500 yards away. An elderly witness recently observed a pair of 8 foot tall upright canines stalking a herd of cattle in southern Beauregard Parish On May 4, 2020 I posted the following - Upright Canine (Possible 'Rougarou') Encountered in Beauregard Parish, Louisiana - In which a Beauregard Parish, Louisiana property owner and his young daughter encountered an utterly terrifying upright canine near their home. You understand that all Content posted on, transmitted through, or linked from the Phantoms and Monsters Site, are the sole responsibility of the person from whom such Content originated. Then, they would round up village folks that they assumed were Loup-Garous, and hold public trials for them. One of the most popular stories that gets passed down from generation to generation is the legend of the Rougarou, Cajun Countrys answer to Bigfoot. The woman also reported finding hair all over the yard front steps, and porch. Hi, I live in Terrebonne Parish near swampy land that was formerly called Devils Swamp. Dont believe us? Often the story of the Rougarou has been used to instill fear in the hearts of Cajun children as a way to command obedience. Beasts called loup-garous, which means werewolves in French, were also infamous throughout the country. We all have a notion that this world is a lot stranger than it seems on a surface level. About four weeks ago, PB and his 5-year-old daughter were walking along their long dirt driveway that leads to their home. During this time, however, the Rougarou was called Loup-garou. An eye-opening journey through the history, culture, and places of the culinary world. Foret grew up in southern Louisiana, between the Atchafalaya Basin and New Orleans, where stories of the rougarou are most often heardand he wouldnt venture into wooded areas at night because of them. The brave friend continued on to the car, opened the door and started to feel around in the dark for the purse in the passenger seat. There were no apparent wounds or blood, but the fresh carcass looked like it had been battered and crushed. March 18th 2022 was the full moon or the Worm Moon and as I was driving down i49 something crossed the road it was almost like a creature I seen in Scooby-Doo doo it ran so fast across the highway on 2 feet and was so tall. Deep within the swamps of south Louisiana, legend has it, there lives the Rougarou a legendary werewolf sort creature with sharp claws and glowing eyes. I realized that parts of our folklore and our oral traditions were getting lost, he says. It was also preached that French Catholics that broke the Lent seven years in a row would be hunted down and killed by the beast. It was late in the evening when Mr. Nameless flagged me down. The officer reported that the creature crossed a 22 foot wide street in three strides. Had me captured. The officer that submitted this report has over 40 years in military and law enforcement, a degree in Anthropology, and self educated in Darwinism, math and quantum physics. All the cliches are therethey come out at night mostly. Another spooky tale of the Rougarou involves a married couple. Perrin's statement is quite obviously true due to the Rougarou's clear influence on local culture and beyond. This terrifying creature has evolved over millenniabut never lost the need to feed. The man dropped his gun and ran. We know what you are probably thinking. Bears can stand up and run on their hind legs, whereas, wolves cannot. This was a deep dense pine forest with rolling Knolls and the occasion small marsh(bayou). The cousins decided to turn around and go back the direction they came to avoid a close encounter with this unknown, imposing, bipedal creature. If your keys go missing without explanation, it could be a Lutin! Variations also associate it with animals such as pigs, cows, and chickens . And then I realized that is what I saw! Sign up for our newsletter and enter to win the second edition of our book. Wow, thank you for that insight! If youre familiar with Louisianas history, you know voodoo is part of it. He told me how past the railroad track, near the lake they had some deer in a fenced in area. Whereas the loup-garou in France roamed the forest looking for children, the rougarou of Southern Louisiana lurks about the Bayou looking for prey. Out of the shaking bush came a large hairy arm, grabbed a handful of leaves then went back in. When many of the French migrated to Canada and the southern United States, they took the legend of the loup-garou with them. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! This beast first sighted in 1963 is reminiscent of the popular DC character known as Swamp Thing. In these times, many crimes were blamed on the beast, ranging from theft to kidnapping of children. And, if you know anything about sleep paralysis, you may have seen the culprit himself! Let us know in the comments below! French and Canadian settlers as they migrated brought with them the legend of the beast to Louisiana. Sam and Dean had a struggle with this one. There she saw standing next to a tree 25 feet away a creature that she described as being extremely tall and white. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. No purchase necessary. At the annual October events rougarou costume contest, the fests mascot is reimagined hundreds of different ways, including as an eco-activist. Rougarou announce 2023 TCL schedule. Get more stories delivered right to your email. Coming across this story made me reach out to Mr. Nameless to see if he would entertain the idea answering some questions about the experience he had in the early 90s. It happened to three of us on Texas river,not sure if it was real or not ,but what we heard was not native to Texas . But you should 100% be on the lookout for alligators if you find yourself in the swamps at night. The brave friend dismissed what she saw for a moment and continued to search for the purse in the dark. The Rougarou myth is even so prevalent that the term "rougarouing" or similar terms have become used to describe a person who stays up late or is active at night. Its rumored that Lutins can take any form, including cats (especially white ones), hobgoblins, elves, and other strange creatures. You are responsible for all Content that you post, email or otherwise make available via the Phantoms and Monsters Site. DATE. Victoria. The Rougarou at Cedar Point is one example of many as to how popular the folklore surrounding the beast truly is. According to the woman, "The next day a prominent physician appeared in town with his right arm cut and in a sling. [7] The name Rougarou (Loup-Garou) is a French term meaning warewolf. Other more out there schools of thought would suggest that these creatures or of a different origin, Alien, Spirit, even faerie. The few folks that lay eyes on these creatures are simply catching an interloper just visiting. It was near 2am and both parties were hesitant to walk to the car to retrieve the purse. Stories on its origin vary, but some say its a spirit while others claim its a child that was raised by alligators. Rougarou Sightings According to a lady from Louisiana, a local child was being chased by a dog when he decided to cut it with his pocketknife. That way, everyone is reminded of what may happen if you don't keep your promises during the Lenten season, which begins the day after Mardi Gras. In this article, were going to highlight the top 9 Louisiana monsters from folklore and legends. Screaming Bigfoot Shot by Hunter in Central Indian 8 Ft 'Upright Canine' Pair Observed on Beauregard Was it 'Mothman?' Sorcery is everywhere, and after repeated viewings of Hocus Pocus, we know what were dealing with. Overall, Weve seen the evolution of the werewolf become a more sophisticated, debonair character, Ancelet says. Then my son started asking me about the rougarou legend and I was like a wha t? Despite being a monster of legends, just like its cousin the werewolf, the Rougarou has its weakness. As the dying man takes his last breath, he has to remind his killer not to mention the incident to anyone--or else they will end up with the same fate, turned into the Rougarou. Another telling of the story says that the Rougarou is under a 101-day curse, unless the affected person can transfer the curse to another human being. Nope, not The GrinchThe Grunch. Variations also associate it with animals such as pigs, cows, and chickens, due to the fact that wolves are not often seen in the area. Required fields are marked *. That kind of transformation happens and I suspect that whats going on with this festival., But unlike sexy vampires or friendly alligators, Forets rougarou has been reimagined to champion a specific cause: protecting its habitat, which in turn will protect our own. The seminary student continued to stand still to observe further when the creature started to pace back in fourth just out of sight, beyond the tree line, all why still producing the strange whimpers. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When faced with a supernatural beast that has superhuman strength, speed, and sharp claws and teeth, chances are you wouldnt be feeling very lucky. In the legend, this beast is often described as having the body of a man and the head of a wolf or a dog and prowls Louisiana swamps looking for misbehaving children. Its true! Discover Louisiana's legendary werewolf: the Rougarou. He flagged me down to speak with me. Listen Live . I hunt all over america and even in Africa a couple times ive run across crap that has made me avoid entire states and run across other things that i tried to stalk and kill one of these things i tried to kill is a loup garou i lived in deep louisiana until i was 11 i know about these things your gonna need some back story for this i subscribe to the idea that they are cursed humans and will have the curse till they die like wherewolves and the loup garou may even be a wherewolf because the only time ive ever found a claim of one that i couldnt easily blow off the description was the same as a where wolf like a humanoid grizzly bear on two legs with lots of steroids that aside i was doing some hunting one night for hog and saw a huge animal walk out stood 6 or 7 feet tall on two legs couldnt make out fine details due to light but i took a shot at it after i saw enough to realize it wasnt human i shot it in the head with a 45-70 those of you who dont get that its a rifle capable of taking large game like an elephant with one shot very strong round and for those of you who are gun people ill give some specs it was a 500 grain soft lead bullet hot loaded on 72 grains of powder (that doesnt sound like much but i shoot black powder in it not smokeless and no its not a muzzle loader it shoots brass cased bullets like a normal gun) anyway i hit it in the head and it got really pissed of and started to charge from about 200 yards away i shot it again in the chest and it ran off i spent the night tracking it mind you this all happemed at about 10 i only quit when i lost blood trail and foot print trail right around daylight i went home and that night there was a story of a man whos body had been found with two large holes that resembled bullet holes but it was ruled out because there was no trace of any lead or powder and he was drained of all his blood that chalked it up to a satanic ritual now to me it sounds like i killed a loup garou but hey maybe its still out there and just really pissed off. The sound of human cries in the woods is a theme directly from faire lore. At this point, you are probably wondering just how the legend began. NOTE: Any use of witness information, which includes any attempt to contact a witness or persons involved in an event, is strictly prohibited without the written consent of Lon Strickler, 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook', Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters, Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Team / Affiliates, Pennsylvania Upright Canine / Dogman Investigations, 'Crypto Four Corners International' Investigations - In Memory of JC Johnson. The Rougarou is a legendary creature that is often depicted on shirts, cups, and other forms of merchandise. The story of the Letieche is Louisianas Jungle Book. The curse is transferred when it draws another human's blood. Even if I didnt believe his story, I believe his demeanor when recounting it. The Rougarou, also known as the loup-garou, is essentially Louisiana's bayou-dwelling werewolf, and it's a prominent figure in Cajun folklore. The rougarou (also spelled rugaru or rugaroo) has its origins in 16th century medieval French folklore. Rougarou. The Legend of the Louisiana Swamp Werewolf Known as the Rougarou, or sometimes as the Loup-Garou This Legend is said that the creature has prowled for hundreds of years in the swamps Show more. Some sources claim the myth originated in medieval France, when belief in werewolves would have been far more prevalent. Deep in the swamps of south Louisiana, legend has it, there lives the Rougarou a mythical werewolf type creature with sharp claws and glowing eyes. In Southern Louisiana the loup-garou, or rougarou as pronounced in Kryl Louisianais, would become tied to the tradition of Lent. The Rougarou life involves shapeshifting into its beast form every night, then being forced to transform back into a human at sunrise. I spent a couple summers in Sabine Parish out on North Fort Fort Polk on a tract of ground called Peason Ridge(Little Nam). Stories of the rougarou in Louisiana derive largely from 16th-century French legends of a beast called loup garou, essentially a werewolf. The article does not specify if this happened in the same area that he and his friend found the large footprints. The Rougarou has a varied history, though all variations seem to trace it back to the French. That is if we are to believe that these creatures are flesh and blood biological entities. DATE. The giant was walking westerly at a quick pace with a sorrowful but purposeful look. The Loupe Garou has to be based on stories told by parents wanting there children to behave and make there beds clean the dishes ect ect. The Rougarou, also known as the loup-gar When the first drop of blood is drawn, the creature returns to human form and tells the attacker who it really is. Legend says that the Rougarou will hunt these individuals down and suck their blood, feeding on their energy for up to 101 days. The Rougarou Supernatural Cameo Explained, Legend of the Rougarou: The Complete Loup-garou Guide, US Ghost Adventures New Orleans Ghosts Review. If you decide to attend the festival or find yourself around the swamps, make sure to remember the tricks and tactics we covered in this article. How safe are you from this magnificent monster? There wasnt much to his story, but the seriousness of his delivery, and the apparent reluctance to tell me, gave his words credence. The cousins were ridding toward the creature when they spotted it walking on side of the road in their direction. Mr. Nameless is still is not 100% sure what he saw that evening down Peavine Road, but from time to time he still thinks, and wonders what that large dark figure that crossed his path could be. The report suggests that these two encounters took place in roughly the same area. In 2011, Foret launched Rougarou Fest in Houma, Terrebones parish seat and largest city, as both a fundraiser for the center and a way to revive the fading cryptid tradition. What he described to me, in my mind was a Bigfoot sighing. Tall Pale White Humanoid Encounters by 3 Eyewitnesses. Ready for the creatures that will haunt you in your sleep? Like Atlas Obscura and get our latest and greatest stories in your Facebook feed. Louisiana has the most unique culture Ive discovered in the US and thats saying something being a native of Appalachia. But first, lets dive into some of its histories. Or otherwise make available via the Phantoms and Monsters Site folks that they assumed were loup-garous and... Isand theres good reason says that the Rougarou: the Complete loup-garou Guide, US Ghost Adventures Orleans... Exist more supernatural explanations for the origins of the family who was on there were no rougarou sightings in louisiana wounds blood! 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I Let My Daughter Smoke Cigarettes, The Pedestrian Characters, Articles R