Yeah, I, Jin trails off. As you and Yoongi walk into the busy and warmly lit bar, you instantly hear a sharp shout from the other end of the establishment. The next morning, Taehyung walked into the kitchen, finding you making breakfast. While this made you feel extremely special, you were also scared out of your mind that youll embarrass yourself in front of them. Not only the title alone is super angst-ridden, this reaction is pretty much a reversal of what I usually do. You look like youve seen a ghost.. Thanks for taking me out.". I think its time for you to head home., Catching his full attention now, Taehyung looks up and asks, Huh? To be honest, this request was pretty challenging and it took me awhile to figure out how to go about it. See ya guys around, then hightails it out the door. The sight of you in just his shirt was irresistible but Seokjin being the gentleman he was, waited . They made a mistake with our order, thats why the wait was long. You were just so happy to be with someone you can be fully relaxed with. So to make it up to Hoseok, Namjoon decided to pick up a box of his favorite desserts and make a surprise visit to his apartment. ", He then smirks at you mischievously while you angrily snatch your hands away. With a mixture of confusion and irritation, Hoseok responds, Tae, what are you-? Hes interrupted by the sound and sight of you walking out of the bathroom. Still seeing your bleeding body in front of his eyes, he would turn to you, hearing your steady breath which makes him feel at ease. As your best friend, he always made sure to be honest with you, and with his blunt nature, it was never an issue for him. However, I was only able to finish the hyung line parts at the moment. At the end, I decided not to specify the language that Y/N speaks since I dont want to alienate anyone. Im just shy and awkward, but thank you for putting up with me! Utterly speechless, Jimin continues to gawk at you like a freakshow. After helping you take off your coat, he leads you to his living room sofa. The only thing you could do was jst to wait. ", Yoongi switches off the TV and turns to you. What made you nervous was that this date was actually a double date with Hoseok and his own girlfriend. Yep thats me, I hope he hasnt been dragging my name on the dirt, you say while playfully nudging your bashful friend. "How about this: later on today, Ill bake you some chocolate chip cookies. You eyes soon began to flutter and you found yourself drifting off to sleep. "Ow!, he whines, rubbing the sensitive area. Yoongi was enjoying a beer with Namjoon when he noticed you and maknaes were having a water gun fight. It was a hot summer afternoon, and you were throwing a nice barbecue with all of Bangtan invited. Warning: Smut! Your best friend pulled you into a tight hug. How he came to this realization is a rather interesting story. Namjoon stopped what he was doing for a moment. And because of his supportive and caring nature, you always went to him whenever you needed something. We feel confusion, rage and grief. Seokjin sighs before speaking again. He was just happy that the most important people in his life were finally in one place. Before following Jungkook out the room, you gave Seokjin a meek wave goodbye then left. Im just not sure if I like her yet, Jin says to Jungkook, neither noticing you in the room yet. Not only Taehyung had a day off but he was going to use that day off to hang with his girlfriend. Feeling like a burden leads to feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and shame. "Jimin, is there something wrong? Startled by his brusk question, you and Jimin turn back to Jin once again. He took that as a sign of your love and he was now too happy and giggly to sleep. To get away from him. Thats when she pulled you aside and told you the truth. It didnt matter what you two ended up doing, there was never a dull moment between you two. Pretty adorable, right? I want to take care of you as much as I can Hobi." He smiled and held your face, "I get that, You're so adorable. Hearing you say those things washed away the self-doubt he had been feeling for the longest time. Do you think Im ugly?. There is also watching fatigue. Whats wrong? Oh man I didnt expect this thank you so much queen this means a whole lot! Unfortunately, one day Yoongi couldnt keep up with his cool guy facade. He then turns off the movie and carefully carries you to bed. Well, it was calm before your slumber was interrupted by the sound of Yoongis phone. You were waiting for Hoseok to come back home from picking up food at your favorite restaurant. Recently, you decided to make a huge move to South Korea for a new job offer. Even simple things like sharing your feelings can feel like being a burden on others. ", [A/N: Welcome to the first series to my little angsty series! Hey, hyung, he says in a rather serious tone, Please dont bully my honey pie., Hoseok scoffs in return. (Im 99% sure I tagged all my BTS moots if I didnt pls ily Im sorry!!). Hey, Hobi. Hobi can you open my bottle? Jin: The second your tears started, he panicked. It takes a moment for Yoongi to truly understand what the fuck you were talking about. It was a typical Friday night where you and your boyfriend Yoongi were lounging in the living room, watching a movie. And tonight was your turn - your pick: an underrated animated Disney flick - and you were excited. Whats with him?, you asked Namjoon but he just shrugs in response. You still make room for them and try to extend them compassion and understanding so that they have space to improve and handle their business. Awwww, he coos while walking towards you. It can't be healthy. Jin felt absolutely terrible. It seemed like the guys really liked you, which caused you to fidget less as the time went by. For as long as you can remember, you were always dragged to go to someones wedding. I really am. Im really sorry for the way I acted. BTS Reaction - When You're Feeling Down Suga Suga would probably try to act like everything was normal for a while to see if whatever was bothering you would go away on its own. By the time he reaches the living room, he finds you sitting alone on the couch reading a book. Okay, thank god this actually fits because-, you stopped once you noticed your boyfriend in the room. Hoseok would regret whatever he did to make you cry right away and feel your . It also helped you pass out right on the couch. The room fell into a brief yet excruciating silence. He felt happy and relieved knowing he was the only one for you as you were the only one for him. But he tried his best to hold his tongue since it didnt hurt anyone. Shell get to a point where she can be more self-reliant but Im not going to rush her. Basically, he changes a bunch of little things to focus more on you. Hey Jinnie, you greeted as Jimin gave Jin a cheery wave using the arm he had around you. But easier said than done. He was truly your everything and youd be lost without him. Im sorry, Y/N, he says genuinely. What would you like to watch, he asked you as he turned on the Netflix app on his TV. Before having the chance to open the passenger door, Jungkook spins you around and pulls you into his embrace. Jungkook was sipping his iced Americano while you were texting away on your phone with a big smile on your face. It takes you a moment before responding. Out loud. To celebrate, Jimin threw a small welcome party where you met the other Bangtan Boys for the first time. Bye!}. By evening, it was about your time to leave and you went to find Jungkook so he could drive you home. Weddings were never your thing. I knew all knew you were ditzy but jeez.. It was a Saturday afternoon when you and your boyfriend Seokjin were out doing your weekend grocery shopping. [A/N: Hey gang! He walks over to you and light taps on your shoulder, walking you up. Come on, Y/N. You loved her so much and wished for her happiness above yours so you decided to bear and grin through it. This definitely wasnt the first time you spaced out while he was speaking. Once he did, he scoots closer to you on the couch and gently takes your hands into his own. He smiled, feeling himself blush, loving the fact that you came close to him even in your sleep. Soon enough, hell see you how I see you: an amazing and beautiful girl.. Yeah I guess her name is kinda pretty. In fact, he was actually madly in love with you. Go ahead and have fun with the others, he remembers you saying to him the last time you two spoke on the phone. You tried calling him to see what was the hold up but no answer from him. Just in your native language. But he didnt buy it. And you did. Ready to go? he playfully asks you. He took your dozy face and kissed you passionately, fully waking you up now. I mean sometimes I wonder why would you choose someone like me when you can be with someone close in age like him., You sigh. What?, he responds. You nervously giggled. Hey Y/N, sorry Im late, Yoongi greets you, Hope you dont mind that I brought Taehyung along. Taehyung sits down next to Yoongi and shoots you a cheeky smile. You then look at Taehyung and smile. Especially settings that involved eating. For the next two weeks, the two of you kept up a flirty banter, both on campus and through texting. Yeah, sure. Jin, your voice sounded desperate as you looked up at your friend pleading eyes, Please tell me., Jin quietly sighs as he puts down his phone on your kitchen counter. He turned to you and found you sitting straight up, gazed fixed upon the front of you. [A/N: When I first got this request, I knew it was going to be a challenge. It really is nice to finally meet you, Y/N Yoongi says quietly. camp rokon; eaglemoss closes; pics of jeffree star naked. Knowing him, he most likely wouldnt take me seriously and just use the opportunity to make fun of me lol. Im not gonna fall asleep this time. You said this with such confidence but the boys didnt buy it. But, you have to let me take care of you the same way." What?, asked Jin, too busy testing the cantaloupes. Ah, Y/N! So Im making up for it. [Note: Welcome to my very terrible smutty BTS fanfic. But I did take a little break from working and watched some Pride and Prejudice. He knew how much you wanted to spend some time together and didnt want to disappoint you. Youre obviously an amazing person, Y/N. For this one and all of the other stories in this series, i used a prompt from a list by @excusemekpop ]. No thank you for coming, he replies with a cheery smile on his face. And boy, did he. A/N: All members reaction to s/o taking their hand and putting it down there while whispering something dirty and needy Jin / Kim Seokjin. Knowing how important you were to Jungkook, the guys went out their way to make you feel welcome. The warm glow of the city lights and the R&B music playing softly on the radio created a very chill vibe around you. Your precious food. You two have dating for about two and thought it was about time. He still wouldnt look up at you so you cupped his right cheek to coax him into facing you. Not only do you two get to spend quality time together, you two also took turns when it comes to picking that nights movie. The screen was already opened on Hoseoks conversation with his best friend, Jimin. And unfortunately for Hoseok, he said the wrong thing at the wrong time and Namjoon unleashed his anger at him. Didnt mention what exactly.. You and him were too busy cracking up to notice Yoongis arrival. Seriously?". And thats when you found an anxious Jimin stand in the hallway of your apartment complex at 11 o'clock at night. He has been there through every hospital appointment, every hospital stay, and he looks after me and our . You playfully stick your tongue out at him. During the reception, you even told some of the bridesmaids your plan, and they helped gas you up and gave you supportive platitudes. Taehyung: Y/N:I can't believe I ever thought I could trust you ! V: After his dream last night, seeing you brought a smile to his lips. But deter the boys from warmly welcoming you. 25 minutes in - a new record for you, he teased. He was concerned for you. After a long day practicing some difficult choreography, Hoseok was more than happy to finally be home. After getting directions, you head towards his room. You were fast asleep, your head leaning on the glass window. Oh sorry about that, you said bashfully. That very visit, you decided to spend the night at the dorm. But your best friend since childhood just had to get engaged and made you her maid of honor. And avoid making you feel bad about it, he never brought it up. It turns out you were wrong about everyone liking you. It was only recently that you and Taehyung decided to get your own place together. Suga: "The minute you steal my side of the blanket, I'm kicking you out.". Imagine being a child and feeling that you are a burden. After his thrilling bungee jump, Seokjin lays on the ground while trying to come off his adrenaline high. Ive met some truly amazing and talented people and I am so grateful to know all of you. If you ever feel depressed or anything, you know you can talk to me, right?" Originally posted by yoongiyi. He then shakes you gently to wake you up, Baby, the foods here.. With their support and a few glasses of champagne, you were ready to ask Namjoon to dance. We were only there for 2 hours and seven guys came up to us and started hitting on them. After hearing the click of the bathroom door closing, Hoseok turns to Taehyung, who went back to scrolling through his phone. You and Jin absolutely loved your Movie Night Fridays. However, others might just view it as a little too dependent. Your eyes flutter closed and you feel like you're walking on water. Jin looks at you sentimentally. No peeking!, you playfully exclaim. Well, the other day I was out with my little sisters at the mall, buying clothes and shit. They are the opposite of narcissists, after all. However, when he told you he wanted to introduce you to his friends, thats when you broke out of your blissful reverie. He just thought it was strange for a girl your age to be so reliant on someone, be it her boyfriend or not. Ive been working on this for awhile and I feel pretty proud of the results. Too bad youre just too delicious otherwise Id keep as a pet!. This one is definitely less than perfect, so constructive criticism is welcomed. BTS Reaction: You Hit Him Where It Hurts Jin: "Do you remember this?" You looked out into the garden noticing one of the old-fashioned swing shot toys. Jimin and I are just hanging out. you retorted. He offered to fly out where he was but you had other important obligations to take care of. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you only reply with a smile on your face. You dont mind that my kisses sometimes taste like vinegar?, Namjoon chuckles at your question. Hope you guys enjoy!]. Taehyung chuckled nervously, not daring to say anything. Please make her feel welcome.. Half-jokingly, he retorted, Wow hyung, who knew you were dating such a space cadet.. I wonder if Y/N has ever heard of this place? I bet Y/N would love street tacos. Your attempts to hide your true feelings to the guys was in vain as they could sense that you were in his mind for the majority of the trip. It looked like they were having a serious conversation so you contemplated whether to wait until they were finished or greet them anyway. Plain bizarre was more fitting. It cuts off right as people feel like wanting more football to happen. Seeing your reaction, Yoongi glares at Taehyung. He was right about it being early - way too early in your opinion - but you were in no way up yet. Yoongi became rigid in your embrace but soon reciprocated the hug rather awkwardly. You didnt know that Jungkook thought this way about you and you worried if the others felt the same way. You still awake, honey?, he sweetly asks. [Note: Hello readers! Youre too cute, Y/N, Jin says to himself. Come on in. He takes your hand, leading you towards the living room. Unbothered, Yoongi took a sip of his coffee. His attention does break from you when he feels a sudden pat on the shoulder. Next we need is milk. He hangs his head and whimpers quietly like a heartbroken puppy. What did I do?, She looks at him. You honestly couldnt understand why a person like Min Yoongi would ever be into you. We all know he's a freak so he'd whisper dirty things in your ear while his thumb rubs intense circles onto your clit with a smirk as you try to make our real words and sentences. This sweet gesture made you love the man even more, if that was even possible in the first place. As much as he enjoyed pickled foods himself, he personally thought you took it too far since hed always catch you eating them. I really hope you all enjoy. The same goes for the people who followed me after reading my fics or just because you care enough to see my posts! Her name is Y/N? But this is the last one, you swore to yourself. A very cute request from @kooksdior Im sorry I took so long with this >_<]. Thats when Namjoon pulled the covers from you and cupped your flustered face. Huh?, Jimin responds perplexedly, Y/N?, Hearing him say your name snaps you out of your sleepy state and realizes what you just said (or at least how you said it). And because of the support and friendship you give him, Jimin is more than thankful to have you in his life. I wasnt in it myself but you and Namjoon were there. We've been together for 18 months now, and not once has he made me feel like a burden. It can also prevent us from getting close to people in the first place. Afraid so. Without noticing, you yelled for him to wake up in your native language, which startled him as he finally woke up. ", Hoseok smiles at Namjoon, "Of course, buddy., You and Jimin have been best friends for a long time. During the brief wait before the taxi came to take you home, you went on and on about Yoongi being the coolest man alive while Jimin stayed quiet, seething in his jealousy. No, its fine babe. At the steering wheel, Jungkook glances at you for a second and smiles. What the fuck, Y/N? You broke away from his lips and said, What about the food? Hoseok looked at you with hungry eyes and replied with, A little more waiting couldnt hurt.. No one else could ever compare to you.. I never meant to make you feel like this. I told him that youre my sleeping beauty and I wouldnt change that about you., His lovely compliment catches you off guard, causing a light blush to appear on your face. Listening to Jungkook, you felt your heart break into a million pieces as the intense feelings of shame heated your face. Yoongi knew this about you. While you did love Hoseok to death, you prefer Taehyungs sophisticated fashion sense over his flamboyant, hypebeast style. And with an unexpectant guess. We were going to invite you to join us but you can forget it. Lets get you to bed. In response you mumbled something he couldnt quite catch. So Im curious what you would call me.". You knew Hoseok wasnt telling the truth but decided to not pry it out of him. You obviously need to cool off., No! If you did wake up, he would hush you to sleep and never talk about his dream with you. You just stood there, silently nodding and taking in her words. You were already in your pajamas and about to read a book before bed. Hoseok made it clear to you that you could always rely on him. Throughout the years, there was always someone pointing an imperfection of yours, whether it was your skin, hair or body shape. Sorry, hyung. Im with you because youre the only man for me. To the people that completed the mutual, just because I may not talk to you often, it doesnt mean that I dont love and appreciate all of you! For people who have a mental illness, feeling like a burden comes with a tremendous amount of self-stigma that is reinforced by the silent stigma of those who must bear the weight of the "burden" that mental illness causes. You think Yoongi-hyung would have taste in women but I guess not.. You made sure you were beautifully glammed up, hoping to make Namjoon fall in love with you. Yeah Ill chill, he said, once you two are sitting at least two feet from each other., Tired of this nonsense, you turn your body slightly to face him. Just let me finish this chapter. you respond. Possibly making Jungkook regret being interested in you in the first place. Jimin didnt notice at the time but you were blushing mildly at the sight of Yoongi. My dad had a brain aneurysm on Sunday night in Hastings and had to be airlifted to Omaha to the He decided to head home. Yoongi "Because Ive been so busy I never got a chance to bake him something for his birthday last week. He wanted to throw himself out of the window for being too rough with you knowing your fragile body. In the former case . yoongi: yoongi was straight up with his desires. Even though this wasnt your first time hanging out with anyone from the group, let alone Hoseok, you still get anxious in settings like this. You ran off and began to cry. You didnt know what to say at that moment, so you just quietly sobbed into his shoulder. For once, you actually put effort into your wedding appearance. Y/N? You laid down on your sofa, your head comfortably on a soft throw pillow and closed your eyes. BTS: Reaction to you crying. Maybe a little two chill since you were beginning to fall asleep. A task that wasnt so hard since you found yourself drifting into a daydream while staring out the window. Are you afraid well all find out your disgusting eating habits? he boffs. You knew it was rude but sometimes you couldnt help it, you get distracted way too easily. Even though he understood what you said since he was pretty fluent in the language himself, he was confused since you two never used it with each other. You were out on a dinner date with your boyfriend Taehyung, and you were trying your best to hide your nervousness. Shes just super awkward, you know? Y/N?, Hoseok asks quizzically, What about her?, I noticed that shes been asking a lot of you lately, things that she could definitely do on her own, Jungkook hesitantly begins, I just find it odd that shes that so dependent on you.. Im guessing you overheard our conversation. While his bratty behavior did annoy the heck out of you, you also found it kind of endearing. Both you and Jimin look back to see Jin standing in the foyer, holding a grocery bag in each hand. Joonie, Im sorry Im like this.. But why hyung?, Jungkook says, hearing the slight hurt in his voice. But after some persistence on his end, you decided to stuff down your insecurities and took a chance with love. They politely bowed and flashed friendly smiles, however it doesnt ease your anxiety. You fucking asshole! Whether it was you walking him up in the middle of the night spouting gibberish or you mumbling incoherent phrases while taking a long nap, it would always catch Taehyung off guard. Originally posted by joonsoulmap-archived, [Note: I know I made a similar excuse last time but I really tried to finish this up during the weekend. He was absolutely mortified that he would cause a scene like that, displaying his true emotions in front of everyone. Uh, yeah, Jungkook answers quizzically, Thanks hyung., Yoongi then turns to you, Can we talk inside?. I love you for who you are, Y/N. There, there Jiminie. says Jin, youll come to love her weirdness. Once he sat next to you on the sofa, he put his arm around you and brought you closer to him. Almost a month of dating, you have no regrets when it comes to Yoongi. The reason Im with you has nothing to do with your age. I feel Im on the verge of a panic attack, you half-lied to him. After all, he was the reason why Jungkook decided to join BTS. One day, you and Jungook were having a little date at your favorite cafe. He said he had to run off somewhere. An hour and a nap later, Jin feels that hes completely calmed down and heads toward the kitchen to start dinner. You actually thought someone as handsome as Hoseok genuinely liked you. You were walking out of the bathroom after brushing your teeth when you heard Namjoon and Yoongi talking in the next room. It's okay. Why was he holding you like that? As an apology for being a third wheel, Taehyung even offered to order and pay for all your drinks: an Americano for Yoongi, a vanilla latte for you and a hot chocolate for himself. And I told you I will, once I was done with this song, Namjoon answered back, keeping his eyes on the computer screen. He was excited knowing that his friend was coming over to hangout and took extra time to buy more ingredients for dinner. You let go of Jungkooks hand and started to fidget your fingers self-consciously. You werent fully fast asleep yet and caught his question in time. So when Taehyung woke up to warm, sweet smells coming from the kitchen, he instantly knew that it was you working on something. Youre being weird!. BTS Reaction Their pregnant SO experiencing a pain during an argument Sep 1, 2018 648 notes Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, pain, and swearing. He turns around slightly to find Jin next to him with a sympathetic look on his face. When he said that you werent too ugly to fool around in the broom closet, but not hot enough for a one stand, I had to possess every power in me to not knock his lights out.. He scratches the back of his head, a habit he did whenever he felt embarrassed. We all care about you. The one that Jimin was in no way fluent in. Seeing him like this made you sigh again. Dont worry about me, Jimin. He texted you he was running a bit late so all you could really do was wait patiently for him. Before he goes in for another kiss, you stop his mouth with your manicured hand. Not one bit.. Surprisingly, it wasnt too busy. he'd trail slow kisses down your body before taking off your pants, leaving you bare. Hope you all enjoy! Every individual across your country could hear him confessing his feelings. You two divided chores evenly and neither nagged the other to do them. You were practically his own little personal baker. Heck, it took you awhile to feel comfortable eating around Taehyung. You, of course, was enjoying some pickled okra your mother sent you in a care package. Oh yeah, she does that sometimes. The three of you were browsing the produce section of the grocery store when you suddenly wandered off somewhere. He'd live for your moans and whimpers, only thrusting his fingers harder and deeper when you shake from the feeling of your orgasm. At first, Yoongi thought the scene was cute, watching you enjoy yourself as if you were a child once again. Well everyone except for one person: Yoongi. Yeah, he was feeling jealous and definitely wasnt about to tell you upfront. He suggested that you should wait until his day off so he can go shopping with him instead but you insisted on going with Taehyung. Two reasons may underlie the tendency to hold back feelings. I know this great place nearby, youll love it.". I can see why you love him so much.". But when the woman in Hoseoks arms turned around, he was utterly stunned to find that it was you. But at the end, I do want connect with Army who do face discrimination for being Muslim and for wearing a hijab or turban. Knowing how sweet and mature Yoongi is, his friends would have to be the same way. It definitely didnt help having gorgeous sisters or even a friend as good looking as Jin. And when it is met with a sigh, an eye roll, or even an irritated tone of voice, it is like getting the wind knocked out of you. He looks up from his phone screen, catching the serious expression on your face. After spending the entire morning and most of the afternoon sightseeing, he decides to give you a call once he gets back to their hotel room. Wanna know what I told him?, he asked you. Taehyungs seemingly lighthearted remark caught you off guard. You and Taehyung tried your best to stifle your laughter after hearing such a brutal dig. Gwen - 25 - BTS Fanfiction - Bangtan Appreciation Blog, This is.. so terrible. He even avoids sitting and speaking to you due to you sometimes smelling like strong brine. It wasnt that he was annoyed or bothered by your sleep talking, it simply creeped him out. He tried his best to keep his mind off you, but so many things made him think of you. Your voice was groggy and raspy but Jimin was too chipper to notice. You might worry that they're growing tired of you and your needs or requests. You asked Yoongi where Jungkook was and he mentioned seeing him toward his room. Why does it matter what I think of you? Taehyung wondered if waking you up wouldve been a smart idea but honestly he was too spooked to move. It wasnt until you were heading towards the restroom at the back of the bar when you spotted Yoongis youngest friend Jungkook.

What Gets Shorter When You Close Your Arms, Articles B